What to do?

Reflection Blog

I had the most enthralling conversation with my brother in regards to career choices. I’m pretty sure we are not the only individuals who have been in this situation or have thought about things of this sort. The struggle between I want to but then again this is what is reality.

Most people never choose a career path that they are most passionate about. If you think about it school is a must, well in my family it was, and after high school you never give yourself time to explore yourself or even explore your options. You just apply for colleges and pick a major that seems to be either lucrative, prestigious, fun or just something to choose to get it over with or you could end up not even declaring a major. Since I believe 90% of the population is unsatisfied or unhappy with their current place of employment, is it ok to say we failed to plan for our future?

Let me use myself as an example to illustrate exactly what I’m talking about. I am currently annoyed with my place of employment and seriously emotionally disconnected, just feel stuck for the most part. Don’t get me wrong I am so grateful to be employed, always have been, and able to pay for my necessities as well as my wants, but clearly I am not satisfied. Most people would suggest that I “get a new job”, but seriously would that even be the solution. No way, the job isn’t the problem so a new one wouldn’t in any way solve the problem. Lets think about it, my teaching, schooling, experience and expertise are in one field and if it is the career choice that is unsatisfying, how would a new job satisfy me. Being in this market you need a degree and job experience, so what are the options go back to school, acquire more debt, learn a different trade and hope to have picked the right one? How about relocate? or maybe just suck it up and continue down the same path? Hmmm decisions, decisions. We always have decisions, choosing the right one is the toughest one.

The struggle between expectations and reality! With all that being said, I failed to plan, I failed to explore myself and discover what it is that I truly am passionate about doing, so therefore I’m stuck until I can figure that out.  Then again, reality is perception, most likely if I take the time to evaluate myself and look at the situation honestly with a different pair of eyes, the solution is staring me dead in the face.

The most important thing we search for in our journey to get “unstuck” is SECURITY, right? Majority of us now have responsibilities that need to be taken care of, so therefore drastic decisions are out of the question. So again, what to do? I guess the answer, well my answer, would be to figure out how to increase your income, build a 3 to 6 month emergency fund, set and stick to a budget (which solves the security part) and plan to create the best life ever. Explore yourself, use the resources available to find what you love to do and go out and do it! Have faith we all need it, can’t leave the bed without it, bridge the gap.

What would you do?