IMAGE leave it at the door


I never understood completely how much work it was to manage an IMAGE, until I assessed my own actions and began to observe those around me. Let’s all continue to wake up every morning and put on this fake person suit, let everybody perceive you are in a great space and doing your absolute BEST! HAHAHAHA that’s so DEAD to me now.

I swear this feeling of emptiness every single day is not exciting. I just want to get back to feeling like me again. 5+ years is a long damn time to feel like someone else, I tell you. Just know my gates are open but I’m not looking for a MESSAGE, I’m searching for my LIFE!!! I have experienced someone being REAL, HONEST, and NAKED, so now the FALSENESS (FAKE) just doesn’t cut it for me anymore.  So that’s what I want to be, my true AUTHENTIC, REAL, NAKED self. I can only commit to that journey alone nothing else. It all starts with me though, let me take that back it all starts with GOD………..