
I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say.


Agree with this 100%, I write to see what I know and express how I feel.  It seems to work out better this way and I end up realizing I know a lot more than what I thought I did. Lol.

One of my biggest challenges every morning is getting up to go to work. The early rise is not a problem it is the destination that needs to be met once I arise that is the problem.  Very grateful for my occupation but at the same time 10 years of service for a paycheck, ugh really, which I’m also grateful to have as well. I’ve learned a lot and experienced a lot but just at a place to where I know I can’t leave my job behind for my future family, I don’t own it, it owns me!

A wage slave is my current name. By definition, its a state where you are unable to perceive choices and create courses of action different from the grind of the job.  More or less our livelihood is completely dependent on the wages we earn from our job.  All eggs in one basket, noooopppppeeeee, its detrimental to our financial stability, security and independence, in which we all strive to obtain. Time to start educating, exploring and learning different ways to make money work for ourselves and not us for it, in order to secure our financial futures to live better and healthier lives.

I myself am learning to make the shift from employee to entrepreneur, which has been very challenging from time to time but very exciting, as majority of my life I learned how to be an employee. Go to school, get good grades, graduate, acquire a great job, make lots of money and live the life of your dreams. Ahhh have the house with the white picket fence and blue shudders, 2.5 kids and of course the smokin’ hot spouse lol! Whatever, not my fairytale but seems to be the one that’s sold often. LOL! What is even more strange is the fact that my parents both owned their own businesses but never taught myself nor my brothers to do the same. So, majority of my knowledge is how to work for someone else, SMDH! Time to empty the bucket and start all over.

Everything is put on hold until we can acquire more time and more money. Meanwhile we pray and wait for the most opportune time to truly live the life we want and time just keeps passing us by.