
I’m getting to a point to where I’m growing, learning and knowing myself. I need to know who is genuine and who is fake and vice versa, am I being genuine or am I being fake.

Been putting off things for quite some time as I never want to hurt anybodys feelings but at the same time I don’t want to be dishonest and hurt mines in the process as well for allowing issues to drag along. Having bad feelings, bad vibes and very uneasy, just not sure what it is. I guess the first thing I need to figure out is what do I call a friend and why is it so important for me to know someone beyond the surface!

Hey buddy, pal, friend or should I say hey stranger instead.

We often times get comfortable with only being familiar with people and call them friends. Hey you’re cool, fun, likeable lets hang out and do crazy ish and call each other friends. 😳

Aristotle said a friend is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. That simply means to me that friends are like puzzle pieces not quite the same but fits perfectly together. When you’re hurt, happy, excited, sad I share those same feelings, understanding and we help each other through whatever and vice versa. Its a Hey chick lets build each other up type of thing, I got your back and you got mines whatever the case may be.

We should be able to grow separately but never apart. If there is an issue address it full heartedly don’t be afraid to express what’s on your mind nor worry about hurting each others feelings. True friends tell it like it is no bullshit and move forward. Buuuuutttt most people put up a front, live behind masks, so real and true friends are hard to come by. I guess that’s my issue, I want to be transparent but how many will genuinely want the same! 😥

“Friends how many of us have them, Friends ones we can depend on” lol that song is so fitting!

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