Silly Girl


I freaking love the movie, love and basketball and especially the picture above, it’s just so simple yet can bring about so many things.  OHHH and yesss your girl usssssssed to play ball, not for school or anything but don’t get it twisted though I will still lace up the sneakers and get it in lol.


Don’t find love, let love find you. That’s why it’s called falling in love because you don’t force yourself to fall, you just fall.

YES I believe in true love, YES I believe in fairy tales(my fairy tale), and YES I believe that there is that one person in this world that was truly placed here for me and only me. Hey, what can I say I’m a hopeless romantic but I do have a dirty mind!!!!!

I love everything about love, in its simplest form. Love to me is a gift, its art, its creative, its majestic but most important its simple never complicated. Sometimes I have those days where I just drift away and kind of dream a bit about being in love with someone, picture the things we would do together, the experiences we would share together, the love we would make and the things we would do for each other. Yes TOGETHER, I’m not selfish when it comes to love, we share the experience TOGETHER. I don’t just want to be held by someone, I want to hold them too. Being able to be truly naked with each other, not meaning unclothed, but being able to let them inside your soul, your thoughts, letting them know your fears, your hearts desires, insecurities, hopes, dreams, aspirations, know your past and your expectations for the future. Just being able to simply lay it all on the table, nothing to hide, this is all of me. That’s love in a nutshell for me, even emulating the way kids see the world around them and how easily they find the joy and beauty in things is ultimately how I feel about love.

In today’s society I don’t know if there is any room to even experience this type of love these days. I mean when someone says let’s make this official whether it be boyfriend girlfriend, girlfriends, boyfriends, or marriage. To me that means I love, cherish, respect and trust you, I enjoy you, I want to make a  commitment to be with you grow, learn and experience each other and only each other. So often times, very often times, you see people breaking that promise and disrespecting their relationship by pursuing other people. Does that title, that commitment mean anything these days?

To many times you see people fronting, putting up this facade, portraying this image that we are soooo in love and happy but really, we just together because you make me look good or you offer this and that etc a bunch of bullshit is what it is. So wanting that type of love today involves a lot of trust and I do fear it the most, could be the exact reason I don’t have it yet. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying all relationships are this way, for instance my Aunt and Uncle have an amazing relationship. They have been together for 25, 26 years now and of course they have there ups and down but they truly love each other and you can genuinely tell it. They still go on dates, do odd quirky things for each other, but most importantly they truly love one another for who they are and that in itself gives me hope.  But oh well, I’m just a silly girl waiting on her silly love to spend forever with. Until then I will continue to enjoy and learn myself and trust God, very simple!


2 thoughts on “Silly Girl

  1. This is your oldest 1st cousin. I used to think true love wasn’t real until it happened to me and your right when it happens it just happens without searching for it. So you just keep your spirits high and without trying or looking the Lord will put your prince charming in your path and you won’t be able to pass him by. The next thing I know I’ll be asking where’s Cole. Lol! Love you cuz

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