Brand New

Don’t expect a sorry, I’m discovering myself. Don’t be mad it’s a brand new time for me. WHAAAAAAAATTTT GURRRRLLLL!!!!!

I love me some Alicia Keys. Always been fascinated with her since the release of the song Fallen back in ’01, I think that’s the year. There is not one single song of hers, I can’t crank to the highest level and just get lost in.  I don’t even care if she comes out with a song about the alphabet, LOL, I’ll play it to death as well. imagesRW1TC5ID

It’s been a recent routine to start my day off with Alicia and todays song was Speechless featuring Eve, OH BOI, OH BOI that song OH BOI! Anyways, I say that to say it lead me to a few interviews that gave me a deeper understanding of why I connected to her and her music so much.

In one interview something she said stuck with me and then my brother, Broadus, sent me a message giving me some advice and boom I started writing. Crazy how simple things, if you PAY ATTENTION, can open your eyes to much more. But what she said was a few events in her life made her say OK, it’s time for me to control my destiny. (Very fitting for myself) Something to sit and dwell on for bit! In the interviews she was open, carefree and happy, it really showed peace!

What I gathered from watching these things was that at one point in time she was lost, stayed out of the way and drowned herself in work, was far from being happy and at peace. A celebrity who has everything that most people dreamt of but it meant nothing because she didn’t really know herself.  This goes to show that, once again, behind all the glitz, glitter, glam and smoke lies hurt and pain of some sort and that’s where the true meat of your story and who you are lies.

We all have a life we live from and a life we learn from. Find your truth, be honest, love and respect yourself. Let me take that back and rephrase it for a second, once you learn how to be truthful, be honest, love and respect God first, then you can be those things with yourself and others. Getting to that place that says Here I am, this is me, love it or hate it, who cares I’m me is going to be well worth all the tests, trials, struggle, pain and hurt we each go through.

Question to think about: Who would you be if you lost everything that so called defined you as a person?

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