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Who am I? Hmmm, everybody struggles with this question at some point in their lives. For the last few months I’ve been asking myself the same question Who am I and then it turned into What am I here for, what is my purpose? With asking myself those questions, my curiosity started to pester me more and more everyday and for some reason it led me to the transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly.

We see the caterpillar, we see the cocoon, we see the butterfly but what we don’t see is the full process the caterpillar goes through in order to fulfill its purpose of transforming into a butterfly. Yeah yeah what the hell are you talking about Nicole, Everything goes through a process and I’m starting this blog as a means of showing the process of discovering myself. We tend to get caught up in painting this picture or creating a certain image to the world that we are perfect and everything is awesome in our life, but we know that behind closed doors it’s a completely different story. This is a means for me to take off a mask, peel back some layers, completely open up and embrace my journey to discovering who I am.  This will be real talk, no bull shit, no holds bar, complete honesty and truth. So whatever is going on, good or bad, physically, spiritually, personally, professionally, financially, emotionally WHATEVER, will be written here. We all go through things, make mistakes, fail, make horrible decisions but most are scared to voice it because of the fear of being judged. Lets face it we judge ourselves, so what difference does it make if someone else does as well its irrelevant what they think. I have no idea why blogging about this kept coming up but I finally sat down and said what the hell just do it everything will unfold.

“Never be afraid to fall apart because it is an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along” -Rae Smith

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